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IP pre-diagnostic service (IP Scan)

The intellectual property (IP) pre-diagnostic service is a part of the Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund’s grant scheme created to help small and medium-sized European enterprises access their intellectual property rights and power their business. The support is granted by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

The Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) participates in implementing and coordinating the IP pre-diagnostic service in Finland.

Read more on the EUIPO website.Open link in a new tab

Service description

Content of service

Intellectual property experts look at your company’s present state, development objectives, products, and services, and study your company’s IP strategy. The service can help you decide which IP rights to apply for and how you can develop your IP strategy in the future.

The service is provided by authorised experts (list in Finnish).

When you consider whether the IP pre-diagnostic service is suitable for your company, please note that:

  • the experts do not provide legal services, draw up IP applications, or conduct preliminary examinations or searches.
  • the experts will not draw up an IP strategy for your company.

Service phases

  1. The expert looks at your company’s present situation.
  2. The expert holds discussions with the company’s representatives (via videoconferencing).
  3. The expert compiles a summary report, which is sent to the PRH for approval.
  4. The expert goes through the summary and proposals for action with the company’s representative after the report has been approved.

On average, the expert spends 1.5 working days providing the service for each company.

Price of service and amount of support

Price of IP pre-diagnostic service (IP Scan) is 1,500 euros + VAT 25,5%. The company pays the sum to the expert after they have agreed on the service.

The EUIPO can reimburse 90 % = 1,350 euros of the price of the service, excluding VAT.

Important notes on the financial support:

  • The reimbursement requires a positive grant decision from the EUIPO.
  • The reimbursement cannot be applied for retrospectively. The company must receive a positive grant decision before the service is provided.
  • Companies can only receive financial support for the IP pre-diagnostic service once in 2025.

How to apply for support from the EUIPO

To receive financial support for the IP pre-diagnostic service:

  1. Apply for support using the EUIPO online filing service.
  2. When you receive a positive grant decision from the EUIPO, choose an expert who is suitable for your company and contact them. See the list of authorised intellectual property experts at your disposal (in Finnish).

    Please note: your company can only receive financial support for IP pre-diagnostic services provided by an authorised expert (listed above). No other services provided by any other persons or companies are eligible.

  3. Make a service agreement with the expert.
  4. As a part of the service, the expert compiles a summary report and sends it to the PRH for approval. After the PRH has approved the report, they will send evidence of it to the expert. You will need this evidence in order to apply for reimbursement from the EUIPO.
  5. Submit your request for reimbursement to the EUIPO. You will receive the payment within one month.

More information on the SME Fund

The SME Fund is included in the Ideas Powered for Business project of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and in the Action Plan on Intellectual Property of the European Commission. The national and regional IP offices in the EU also participate in implementing the system.

Read more about the SME Fund on the EUIPO's website.Open link in a new tab

More information on the IP pre-diagnostic service

For further information, please contact us via email at

Printable version Latest update 03.02.2025