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Software companies: use our IXBRL financial statement interface

Software companies can start to use the PRH interface to send digital IXBRL financial statements and their metadata to the Finnish Trade Register.

The interface can be used free of charge.

The PRH does not provide a customer software to use the interface. Therefore, the software companies must create a sufficient function in their own financial administration system to be able send the IXBRL financial statements to the Trade Register.

What kind of financial statements can I send through the interface?

The interface currently accepts IXBRL financial statements from limited liability companies and IXBRL annual reports from foundations.

In the future, the interface may also accept financial statements from other company types and in various taxonomies.

Financial statements must be filed using IXBRL (Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language). In IXBRL financial statements, the XBRL details are embedded in the HTML content. The information is displayed in a uniform manner according to standards and classifications, but in a visual format the users are accustomed to.

There are no other requirements for showing the details. The financial statements can therefore be visualised as you wish, as long as they are based on the IXBRL standards.

What kind of interface?

The interface is a REST API. Users identify themselves via a separate authentication server and receive an access token to be used in the interface calls.

In the interface, a separate query is used to retrieve information about what kind of company types or taxonomy versions the interface is currently supporting.

Metadata, such as the Business ID and the start date and end date of the financial period, are submitted together with the financial statements or the annual report. Metadata are given in the URL parameters and in the call body in JSON format. The body is sent in multipart/form-data format, where the metadata are given as well as an attached IXBRL file.

The interface checks that the given metadata are correct and are matching up with the IXBRL file content. In addition, the interface checks that the financial statements or annual report has the correct structure. In the future, the interface will also check the IXBRL file content more carefully.

If the validation of the submission is successful, the interface returns a successful response. In other cases, an error code and a more accurate description of the error reason are returned.

The interface is primarily open around the clock.

How can I start to use the interface?

To become a user of the interface, you have to set up a contract with the PRH.

The PRH will provide a test server to test the interface.

Please contact us for further details about the interface, or ask for our terms of contract and a description of the interface to be sent to your email: digitilinpaatos(at)

For the taxonomy for financial statements of limited liability companies, visit the website of the State Treasury.Open link in a new tab

Printable version Latest update 08.01.2024