Filing financial statements with the Trade Register
The law requires companies to file their financial statements. Companies must also make sure that all financial statement documents required by law are being filed.
File the financial statements with the Finnish Trade Register even if your company has stopped business activities. Do not file unapproved or unadopted financial statements with the register.
The PRH will record that the financial statements have been registered in the company’s Trade Register details. Once your financial statements have been registered, you will receive a register extract to your company’s mailing address recorded in the Finnish Business Information System at

Take special care of personal identity codes and home addresses
Do not give any personal identity code and home address unless specifically requested. When you send notifications, do not include any documents that contain personal identity codes, home addresses, or sensitive details, such as health details. Learn more about how to protect yourself and your business from scams.
Which companies must file financial statements with the Finnish Trade Register?
Most companies must file their financial statements with the Finnish Trade Register.
See the timeline below to check when to file your financial statements. Go to our instructions via the links below or the menu.
Which companies do not need to file their financial statements with the Finnish Trade Register?
The following companies do not need to file their financial statements with the Trade Register:
- housing companies;
- tenant-owners' societies;
- housing co-operatives; and
- mutual real estate limited companies.
Usually, private traders do not need to file their financial statements with the Trade Register.
The financial period has ended
LLCs and co-operatives
File the financial statements directly with the Finnish Trade Register using our online service at when the general meeting has approved the financial statements. The online service is available in Finnish and in Swedish.
Go to our instructions: How to file financial statements with tax returns with the Trade Register.
Trade Register
Once your financial statements have been registered, you will receive a register extract to your company’s mailing address recorded in the Finnish Business Information System at
Filing financial statements within 6 months from the end of the financial period
Go to our instructions: Branches: how to file financial statements with the Finnish Trade Register.
Also: savings banks, insurance associations, mortgage societies, and European Economic Interest Groupings
Go to our instructions: Other companies: how to file financial statements with the Trade Register
Trade Register
Once your financial statements have been registered, you will receive a register extract to your company’s mailing address recorded in the Finnish Business Information System at
Private traders
If certain requirements under the law are met, file the financial statements with the Finnish Trade Register.
Go to our instructions: Private traders: how to file financial statements with the Trade Register.
General / limited partnerships
If certain requirements under the law are met, financial statements are filed with the Finnish Trade Register.
Filing financial statements within 8 months from the end of the financial period
LLCs and co-operatives
File the financial statements with the Finnish Trade Register when the general meeting has approved the financial statements.
Trade Register
Once your financial statements have been registered, you will receive a register extract to your company’s mailing address recorded in the Finnish Business Information System at
Over 8 months from the end of the financial period
All company types
Your financial statements are late. File your financial statements without delay.
Go to our instructions: Filing financial statements late with the Trade Register.
Trade Register
Filing is subject to a charge.
We will charge a handling fee for delayed financial statements even if your company did not get a reminder before the deadline.
Go to our instructions: Filing financial statements late with the Trade Register.
Once your financial statements have been registered, you will receive a register extract to your company’s mailing address recorded in the Finnish Business Information System at
1 year from the end of the financial period
LLCs and co-operatives
You have not filed your financial statements with the Finnish Trade Register. Your company may be removed from the Finnish Trade Register or ordered into liquidation.
Trade Register
You will receive a reminder letter to the company’s mailing address recorded in the Finnish Business Information System at
Current affairs
- Thousands of requests concerning a prohibition of registration submitted to the Finnish Patent and Registration Office – the online form for registration prohibitions is still running slowly
- PRH open data service: start using the new interfaces immediately
- The Finnish Patent and Registration Office’s (PRH) telephone exchange, customer service point and telephone service are closed from 5 November 2024 at 13.00
- The PRH has suspended the deregistration of companies from the Trade Register – a new law is being prepared
- PRH and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment: Amendments to Finnish Trade Register legislation are being prepared