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Advisory service in classification matters

Drawing up the list of goods and services is probably the most challenging and time-consuming phase in applying for a trademark. However, it is an important phase because the list of goods and services defines the scope of trademark protection.

First, read more about classification on this site. If you cannot find answers to your questions, or the classification of goods and services remains unclear, you can consult our advisory service for trademark classification. This will help you make the most of our experts’ advice. If you wish to contact our advisory service, we recommend doing so before you start drawing up your trademark application.

Scope of advisory service

Our classification experts can advise you on drawing up the list of goods and services and on choosing terms. They will also provide you with general information about the importance of classification in your trademark application.

Our classification advisors do not draw up lists of goods and services or perform preliminary checks on them. Furthermore, the classification advisors cannot help with questions related to the legal effects of trademarks, possible obstacles to trademark registration or evaluating them.

Contact details of the trademark classification advisory service

  • Tel. +358 29 509 5251
  • luokitusneuvonta(at)
Printable version Latest update 02.11.2021