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How to file a notification of beneficial owners

File your notification of beneficial owners and update the details free of charge in our online service at Please note that the online service is only available in Finnish and in Swedish.

The company must file a notification even if the company has no beneficial owners defined in the Finnish Act on Money Laundering or the company does not know them. Read more: Who is a beneficial owner?

The notification must be signed by the same person who also signs the company’s other notifications to the Trade Register, for example a member of the board of directors, the managing director, a general partner, or a representative who is authorised to file notifications with the Trade Register. Read more about how to sign notifications online at link in a new tab

On this page, you will find information on the following:

How to file a notification of beneficial owners in the online service at

Please note that the online service is only available in Finnish and in Swedish.

To use the online service, you need to have a Finnish personal identity code and either personal internet banking codes, a mobile certificate, or an electronic identity card (HST card).

  1. Log on to the online service at via suomi.fiOpen link in a new tab On the front page, click on the link “Tosiasialliset edunsaajat (omistajat)" or “Verkliga förmånstagare (ägare)".
  2. Enter the Business ID of the company in the first field and select “Jatka" or “Fortsätt". Then, start filing beneficial owner details by clicking on the link “Aloita edunsaajatietojen ilmoittaminen" or “Börja anmäla förmånstagaruppgifter".
  3. First, choose the language of your notification, Finnish or Swedish. Confirm you have the right and the necessary identification to file the notification by ticking the box at the end of the page. Continue by clicking “Aloita ilmoittaminen" or “Påbörja anmälandet".
  4. In the fields given, enter the contact details of the person who can provide further information. The PRH may contact the person if there is something unclear about the notification.
  5. File the details of beneficial owners or choose “Edunsaajia ei ole tai he eivät ole yrityksen tiedossa" / “Företaget har inte några förmånstagare eller kännedom om dem", when your company has no beneficial owners or does not know them. How to file the details of beneficial owners.
  6. Accept, sign, and send your notification. The notification is free of charge.

Beneficial owner details filed in the online service at can be registered automatically.

The PRH sends an extract confirming the registration of beneficial owners to the address of the provider of further information or to the company's address entered in the register.

Log on to the online service at via suomi.Open link in a new tab

How to file the details of beneficial owners

When you are filing beneficial owners, click on the button “Lisää edunsaaja" or “Lägg till förmånstagare".

Give the personal details of the beneficial owner (a beneficial owner is always a person).

Under "Omistusosuus, äänioikeus tai muu määräysvalta" or "Ägarandel, rösträtt eller annat bestämmande inflytande", indicate the beneficial owner’s share of ownership or voting right in the company or tick that their role as beneficial owner is based on other actual control. Read more: Who is a beneficial owner?

Please note that the share must be at least 25.01%. If not, please leave the field empty.

If the beneficial owner has no Finnish personal identity code, you must enclose a copy of his or her passport or other identification document with the notification.

What to do if you cannot file online

Even if you are a responsible person in the company, you cannot file the notification online if your Finnish personal identity code has not been recorded in the Trade Register.

This applies if your details were recorded in the register before 1994, or if you had no Finnish personal identity code when your details were registered.

File your Finnish personal identity code with the Trade Register to be able to file notifications online in future. Filing the personal identity code only is free of charge.

See also a list of exceptional cases where the notification is filed using a paper form.

How to file the notification via a representative

The notification can also be filed by a representative who is authorised to file notifications with the Trade Register, an employee at a bookkeeping service, for example.

You can authorise the representative in the online service at Please note that it is not possible to grant authorisations in the e-Authorisation service. Read more about authorisations at Open link in a new tab

Filing the notification using a paper form in exceptional cases only

When can I file using a paper form?

You can file the notification using our paper form only in the following situations:

1. None of the persons responsible for the company have the required identification, meaning a Finnish personal identity code and personal internet banking codes, a mobile certificate, or an electronic identity card (HST card), nor can they acquire them.

The persons responsible for the company are:

  • the members of the board of directors (including deputy members, in case an ordinary member is prevented from performing official duties)
  • the managing director
  • the partners in general partnerships
  • the general partners in limited partnerships.

2. The company does not allow filing a notification of beneficial owners through the online service at because of the type of company it is.

The following company types do not allow filing a notification of beneficial owners at

  • insurance association
  • tenant-owners' society
  • European economic interest grouping
  • mortgage society
  • foreign trust.

3. There are only companies as partners in the general partnership, or as general partners in the limited partnership.

How to file the notification using a paper form

The paper form is available in English. Save the paper form to your computer before filling it in. Fill in and print out the form.

Open and save the form: Notification of actual beneficial owners (pdf, 0.2 MB)

If the beneficial owner has no Finnish personal identity code, enclose a copy of his or her passport or other identification document with the notification.

If an authorised person signs the notification, enclose a certified copy of a special power of attorney or the original general power of attorney.

Send the form and any enclosed documents as scanned files by secure email to the PRH. Select “Notification of beneficial owners" as recipient. Read the instructions and go to the secure email.

Printable version Latest update 27.09.2024