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How to protect yourself and your company from scams

On this page, we have compiled information about how you can protect yourself from scams in Trade Register and trademark matters. Read further instructions by clicking on the links under each subject or by opening the pages in the menu.

Take special care of personal identity codes and home addresses

The Trade Register is a register for public use. Anyone is entitled to obtain information about the entries made in the register. This principle of open access also applies to all notifications and enclosures filed with the Trade Register. Therefore, do not declare any personal identity code and home address unless specifically requested. When you send notifications, do not include any documents that contain personal identity codes, home addresses, or sensitive details, such as health details.

Beware of misleading communications

As a client of the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH), you might receive letters, phone calls, invoices and payment reminders that have nothing to do with the PRH. Most of these are in English and come from abroad, but it is possible that someone will contact you from Finland and in Finnish.

Read more about misleading communications.

Beware of scam websites that resemble PRH websites

Follow closely which website you are at. Scam websites may include content from the PRH websites and the layout can be similar to them. Check the website address in your browser. The website you are at now is at The other PRH website,, is at

Be alert when identifying yourself and always check the website address. The correct address for e-Identification is

Protect yourself from scams by using our services

The PRH provides services that can help you protect yourself from scams. These services are free of charge.

Choose only online notifications at

When signing a notification in the online service at, choose that in future your company can file notifications online only. In this way, you make sure that no one but authorised persons can file notifications with the Finnish Trade Register and the Finnish Tax Administration for your company in future. Read more about choosing only online notifications at

Monitor changes in your company’s details in the Finnish Trade Register

You will receive an announcement about changes in your company’s details by email, if the address is up to date in the Trade Register. Read more about monitoring changes in your company’s Trade Register details.

Check your details and file a prohibition of registration

In the online service at, which is jointly provided by the Finnish authorities, you can check that your personal details entered in the Finnish Trade Register are correct. In the service, you can also see your current roles as a person responsible for a company or an organisation. Read more about how you can check your own details.

If you suspect that your personal data are being misused, file a prohibition of registration with the PRH. We will then not register you as a person responsible for a company, an association or a foundation without contacting you first and asking for your consent. Read more about prohibition of registration.

What to do if you suspect a company takeover or a scam?

If you suspect that someone has filed without permission a notification with the Finnish Trade Register in your company’s name, you should contact the Trade Register’s advisory service immediately. Read more on how to contact the Trade Register’s advisory service.

If necessary, report the offence to the police. Go to the website link in a new tab

Read more about fake invoices and other types of scams on the website of the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (FCCA). Go to the website at link in a new tab

Have you been subjected to a data breach or data leak?

Finnish authorities have compiled instructions for your situation in a guide at Via the guide, you can file the necessary blocks with the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Go to the guide at link in a new tab

Printable version Latest update 05.08.2024